PharmAlliance Stainless Steels Series

The PharmAlliance Stainless Steel Series provides orthopedic implants designed for strength, durability, and compatibility with the human body. Made from high-grade stainless steels, like 316 and 316L, these implants are corrosion-resistant, making them suitable for the body’s environment and meeting the stringent quality standards necessary for surgical use. Stainless steel is ideal for devices such as locking and non-locking plates, screws, and nails, offering structural integrity and stability essential for effective bone healing.

These stainless steel implants are often chosen for applications that involve high mechanical demands, where strength and long-term support are crucial. Additionally, the implants are polished and passivated to enhance corrosion resistance and reduce the risk of contamination, making them well-suited for both trauma and reconstructive surgeries.

PharmAlliance Stainless Steels Series



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